March 28, 2020

People App Post Categories

People App currently has 6 different post categories; each one built to serve users’ different needs. Upon posting, all posts are visible on People App’s map, […]
March 4, 2020

Coronavirus Prevention (COVID-19)

Here at People App, we wish everyone heath and we hope People App can serve as a free platform for users to inform and help each […]
February 15, 2020

People App Advertisement is Now Available

Just this week, People App advertisement module finished the QA process and got released for both iOS and Android versions of People App (ad. module is […]
December 2, 2019

Why we engendered People App?

Here is why we engendered People App? ✓ To eliminate extra middlemen ✓ To give everyone an equal opportunity to get seen and found based on […]